Novacel 4374
Epaisseur | 40µm / 1.6mil |
Adhésion | Très haute |
Couleur | Clair Transparent |
Garantie de tenue extérieure | 3 mois |
Type d'utilisation | Film de process |
Process | Fabrication |
Matériaux | Bois , Profilés d'Aluminium , Stratifiés Décoratifs , Profilés en PVC , Vinyl (PVC) , Autres Plastiques , Métaux Prélaqués |
The Novacel 4374 is a clear, transparent, 40µm/1.6mil thick film with a very high adhesion, making it suitable for use on lightly structured and semi matt surfaces.
This film can be used on many types of materials such as Wood, Aluminium Profiles, Decorative Laminates, PVC Profiles, Vinyl (PVC), Other plastics, Pre-Coated Metals.
It provides an outdoor guaranty of 3 months.