Novacel organised a collection for the homeless in Rouen

Novacel organised a collection for the homeless in Rouen

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Novacel is very active on its territory and regularly carries out actions in favour of the most disadvantaged. For this reason, we regularly carry out actions in favour of the most disadvantaged. Recently, we organised a collection at our Déville-lès-Rouen site in support of the ASAR association "Action pour les Sans Abri de Rouen" (Action for the Homeless in Rouen).

The aim was to collect hygiene products for people in very precarious situations: shampoos, soaps, toothbrushes, protective masks, toothpaste, menstrual protection and many others.

Many of you participated. This collection was a great success and it is thanks to all of you, dear colleagues. We thank you for your generosity!

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