Eric Medhar, Chief Digital Officer, will guarantee the integrity & security of our information systems

Eric Medhar, Chief Digital Officer, will guarantee the integrity & security of our information systems

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Effective business continuity plans implemented in 2020 led Novacel and its associated brands (Boston Tapes, Walco, Omma and Novacel Performance Coatings) to a resilient position at year-end.

“Unfortunately, the sanitary crisis is not over. Our customer's businesses still need to be supported and secured. Therefore, in 2021, Novacel will be continuing to invest towards total customer satisfaction with an acceleration of its digital transformation program.

This digital transformation is bringing added value for our clients, in terms of communication, service and on-line purchasing. At the same time, customers’ businesses and data must be kept safe and confidential at all times. This is an area in which we have a duty to be vigilant.

Consequently, I have appointed a Chief Digital Officer, Eric Medhar as a member of our Executive Committee. He will lead our experienced and mobilized teams to guarantee the integrity and security of our information systems, globally, on each and every site.” said Richard MARCHANT, Novacel CEO.

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