

窗户是新建筑中最先被安装的结构之一,它可以保护建筑免受室外环境的影响。 因此,在可能持续数月的剩余施工过程中,窗户很容易受到损坏。 为此,我们开发了一系列专门针对中空玻璃组件(IGU)的表面保护解决方案。


施工结束后不再需要清洁或更换玻璃,也不会再因此产生滞纳金或相关纠纷! 客户对玻璃百分百满意,几乎没有退货。





这种带胶保护膜是出色的防护罩,可以抵御建筑工地环境中可能对玻璃造成的各种影响: 水泥、油漆、硅胶、打磨火花等。

该系列产品还具有12个月的保修承诺。 这是市场上最好的保修承诺。 




  • 降低总成本
  • 售后服务成本大幅降低: 高达30%!
  • 减少管理售后索赔所需的时间
  • 降低现场清洁成本 
  • 增加客户满意度
  • 提升品牌形象
  • 仅需投资几分钱,即可安心施工!




Walco VX2垂直覆膜可将诺凡赛尔保护膜系列贴覆在玻璃的两面,周围留边,以便在细木组装时不会将保护膜卡在里面。


A famous industrial carpenter’s testimony about our films for IGU

Glassolutions is a glass processing subsidiary for industrial carpenters in France. They are part to the Saint-Gobain Group.

Looking for a reliable industrial partner, Glassolutions chose Novacel for its ability to offer a global solution, including lamination machines and high-quality protective films.

In this video, our customer explains the advantages of integration such a complete solution for their Insulations Glazing Units’ processing. Thanks to the Novacel’s film, they are able to offer to their manufacturing customers protection for their IGU throughout the glazing value chain.

Adrien Puichaud - Operational Marketing Manager for Glassolutions

“The protective film brings peace of mind to all those involved on the construction site”

“Some customers have noted that they were able to reduce the number of after-sales service issues on job site call by four”

A real estate developer recommends coating window unit system with a film

In an exclusive interview, Director of Operations at ARC Group, shares its tips. 
He explains how a film-coated window unit system helps him meet delivery deadlines for its sites.
In a program called “Coeur Ocean” Arc Group utilized the film-coated window unit system developed in partnership between Glassolutions and Novacel.

Game-Changing Technology

An innovative approach which involves applying a protective film in the factory, which is removed just before the final cleaning, ensures that the windows arrive in pristine condition. "A dirty window is a window that needs to be cleaned; a scratched window is a window that needs to be replaced." Didier points out. 
This system protects the windows during construction and provides financial benefits to partners by reducing the need for replacements.

Advantages On-Site

According to Didier, the film-coated windows allow maximum light transmission on-site, which does not hinder ongoing trade work. "For me as a developer, it guarantees that I have a high-quality frame at delivery and helps me secure lead times for my clients" he added.

Economic and Ecological Optimizations

Didier also highlights the economic and ecological advantages of using Glassolutions film across all projects. "A window that isn't scratched and doesn't need to be changed leads to energy savings" he noted. This approach streamlines the construction process and aligns with current environmental challenges, reducing waste associated with replacing broken materials.

Discover our range of processing and protective films for IGU!